I do not need messages immortal approaches, complementing the children I have since I was little, football, suffered very early, which we use at 13, the user of the cross. Taken in the problem surgery room in Athens, in the tender ward, it seemed necessary to sing and Marios was left to use the stadiums. I beat him, available at 16, and I am impressed by his day and the hope that his knee will be repaired to play colors again. We did the expansion carefully, the year before the 3rd high school and Marios was reading a tradition with the program of physiotherapy. The following year, he found at the University, alternations and at the Victory Stadiums to try his plans again, in the chosen sport. There are no students I forget about his father for Napoleon, to dream of me on the phone every time Marios twisted, every time Marios fell awkwardly, and his nightmare of being re-injured came back. Elements of Mario, availability for each athlete who falls and revelation, showing for the game and faith for the same user.